Wednesday, March 2, 2011


12 years since Jeremy passed away.  Let's just say that this day sucks!!!!  I miss him so much, more than anyone will ever know.

My last weigh in was okay, I weighed in at 174.8.....not too bad considering I had my period that week.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I haven't been able to work out in a while due to this stupid chest cold!!  I did get out and shovel 3 inches off of the driveway and sidewalk today, so I guess that counts for my workout for the day.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Down to 175 today! :-)

Lake Geneva was a it's back to reality.  I am really looking forward to our spring break trip at the end of March/early April.  Hopefully I will be in the 160's by then!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


No workout sore after working out with the punching bag last night.  We are off to Timber Ridge in Lake Geneva tomorrow.....Not really looking forward to getting into a bathing suit, but I will do anything for my kids.  :-)

Monday, February 14, 2011


I know it's been a while since I've updated, but it's Monday and time for another weigh in.  Today I weighed in at 175.6  Not the best, but I knew it was going to happen with how I have been eating lately and missing a few days of exercise.

Anyways, I hope to do better this week!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, I did get a workout in today.  I left yesterday as a rest day and I think I really needed it!  I'm debating now weather or not I should join a gym and go and workout there a few nights every week.....I just hate spending money on myself!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So today I looked at myself in the mirror and even though it's only been 1 week since I started working out I can already see a difference in my body.  That just gives me even more motivation to keep going!

Today is my first rest day in a whole week from working out......I may end up doing a light workout later; all depends on what we have planned for the night with the family.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So, today was my first weigh in:

Starting weight:  178.6
Today (2-7-11) 176.5

Not too bad I guess considering the junk I have been eating.

I did manage to get a workout in today; even with Matt being here along with Courtney and Daniel who are both sick.  Tomorrow is my rest day according to Biggest Loser Challenge, but I plan on trying to get a WII Fit workout in.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So, I never got that 2nd workout in yesterday.  We did get to the mall and I did a lot of walking there; not sure if that really counts though.

I did get a workout in today though.  I love having Courtney workout besides me, she is too cute!  I really hope my motivation stays up and I can continue to find time to workout during the week.  I plan on updating this blog daily, I think it's one of the things to help keep my motivation up.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So today was day three of working out and it went well.  I did the Biggest Loser Challenge and it really made me break a sweat.  I know I can't count on WII games to help me lose 60+ pounds, but it will work in the beginning; and it's a great way to keep me motivated.  I did weigh myself today and I've already lost 2 pounds!!  Not bad for just doing a few workouts.

This whole eating healthy thing doesn't come easy to me.  I love sweets and carbs!  I'm trying, but I already broke down and had a doughnut this morning.  First one in a REALLY long time so I don't feel as bad.

Who knows, maybe I'll feel like doing a second workout later today. 

Friday, February 4, 2011


My workout for today was done on the WII Fit.  I did some balancing games, yoga, strength exercises and aerobics.  It may not sound like a work out, but for someone like me who hasn't done a "real" workout in so long it really got my heart rate up, and I can feel it in my body.

I think it's better than nothing, and a great way to get started.  I did the same things yesterday; maybe not the same exercises but still worked out with the WII fit.

I have to find somehow to make myself drink a lot more water throughout the day.  Any suggestions are welcome!

time for a change

This past Monday (January 31, 2011) I looked in the mirror and was dissapointed in myself.  I decided to weigh myself and the scale read 178.6  I was devastated.  How did I let myself get to this point?  Everyone tells me; you have had three kids in the past 6 years......I didn't find much comfort to those words.  It was that very minute that I decided it's time for a change.

I have decided I'm going to lose this weight by eating healthy and exercising.  Sure I have tried this before and sure I'm busy with my kids and daily life, but it's time.  I am happy to announce for the past 2 days I have been working out.

  I will be weighing myself every Monday and updating here.